Jump-start Your Children’s
Are your children tired of boring, repetitive, and unimaginative tuition? Why not jump-start their learning at the Maths & Music Learning Centre?
Support them to work hard and learn fast with the help of expert teachers who understand and care.
Encourage them to exercise their whole brain to unlock its full intellectual and creative potential.
Watch them flourish, and enjoy the ride!
Two Halves make a Whole
We have experience and we have expertise.
We have high expectations of ALL our students, and we have empathy.
Learn about our services
We offer integrated maths and music tuition to groups of four preschoolers, starting at the beginning of the school term in which they turn four, and continuing until they start school.
The morning classes are designed to be challenging and meet serious educational objectives, but also be fun. Preschoolers will develop holistic musical and mathematical skills.
Classes take place in Tawa.
We offer individual tuition in piano, violin, viola, cello., music theory, composition and mathematics to students of any age.
Group violin tuition is also offered to relative beginners in groups of four.
Expert coaching in chamber music is offered to advanced students.
Most classes take place in Tawa
Our maths programme caters to school-age children in larger groups, with one tutor for every four students. Students work methodically through a carefully selected series of workbooks at their own rate, under expert supervision. They are assigned daily homework. Each weekend there are additional 20-min Zoom demonstrations of key maths techniques. Watch the session or sessions that suit you best.
Classes are held in Kenepuru.
Lessons Offered
Maths & Music for Preschoolers
Maths AND Music instruction integrated into each 40 minute class.
Preschoolers learn while having fun, led by award-winning teachers. Small classes utilise an astonishingly varied and innovative set of resources.
Students may enrol at the beginning of the term in which they turn four years old, and continue until they start school — allowing at least four terms of instruction.
The course objectives are for preschoolers to learn basic music theory, play a simple tune on violin and piano, and demonstrate confidence in arithmetic and geometry.
Individual Lessons
Our expert teachers provide individual tuition in piano, violin, cello, viola, music theory, composition, and of course mathematics.
Students learn in the manner and at the pace which suits them best, according to tailor-made lesson plans.
One-on-one lessons give teachers the flexibility to provide tuition perfectly tuned to the specific needs and desires of students.
Daily practice is expected.
Support is provided for Trinity College music exams in addition to school maths or music exams.
Maths Programme
Our Maths Programme is designed for school-aged students seeking more structured learning to help them reach their true potential. They work at their own pace through carefully selected workbooks, while being constantly monitored and assisted by tutors. Workbooks are chosen according to need and personal goals, as opposed to age or year group.
A 60-min class and at least one 20-min Zoom maths demonstration is offered each weekend. Students are expected to complete daily homework during term time.
The Primary programme is designed to not only consolidate numeracy skills, but also to embed key concepts and build confidence in word problems. The Secondary programme is oriented towards the new secondary NZ maths curriculum and the numeracy co-requisite.
Chamber Music Coaching
Let us help you prepare for chamber music competitions or school group assessments.
Expert Chamber Music Coaching is provided to committed students who want to experience the joy of small ensemble playing (3 to 8 players) and need some extra guidance.
Scheduling of coaching sessions is flexible.
Come and Talk to us
Book your free consultation today.
We will:
explain our philosophy of teaching;
discuss your learning goals and learning needs;
do a quick assessment of your current skills and knowledge.

Our Vision
We have ditched the politically correct education-speak.
Put simply, we want you to look forward to coming to class; we want to inspire you; we want to motivate you; and we want you to work hard and learn.
Because we care.
Contact Us
Please do contact us for any reason.
We’d love to hear from you.